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5 Things that may be aging you prematurely

Antiedad bienestar cuidado de la piel envejecimiento melatonina rejuvenecimiento salud vitamina d


Ana María Aguirre A.

Master in Public Communication of Science

The passage of time and the changes that occur in our body are inevitable, but the speed at which they occur or the intensity are due to various controllable factors that are related to our lifestyle, skin care, diet. , the environment, etc.

Below we mention 5 very common things that you may be doing (or not doing) that may be aging you prematurely.

1. Smoking

Smoking is proven to cause a lot of damage to health, by producing free radicals that are the main cause of skin aging. In addition, it delays the body's natural regenerative processes.

2. Stress

Stress is the disease of this century. Stress raises the levels of the hormone cortisol, and a constantly high level of cortisol causes damage to your body that can be reflected in other diseases, aggravated by insomnia and anxiety.

We cannot avoid stress due to the current pace of life, but its management is of vital importance, and you can control it especially with PHYSICAL EXERCISE. By doing physical exercise (without being extreme) you generate countless hormones that are very good for your health, such as serotonin. You reduce cortisol levels and also improve your resistance, cardiovascular health and muscle tone. Physical exercise is the #1 antidepressant and it is recommended that you do it daily, for at least 30 minutes. You can start with walks, and combine cardio exercise with weight training sessions to improve your muscles and strengthen your bones.

It is also highly recommended that you maintain the habit of meditating or praying daily so that you have balance and balance in mind, body and spirit.

3. Insomnia or lack of rest caused by Melatonin deficiency

Sleeping is one of the most necessary activities for human beings. When you sleep, your cortisol levels are reduced, and the cell recovery processes are carried out, you generate melatonin and growth hormone. There's a reason it's called "beauty sleep."

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland and helps connect with the cycles of the universe. It transmits information about the length of the day, the seasons, and even the years. Melatonin production is inhibited by light and enabled by darkness.

Try to limit the use of screens and blue light and avoid it after 9pm, as it takes up to 2 hours of complete darkness for the body to start producing the hormone.

Melatonin is perfect for eliminating free radicals, making it a powerful antioxidant.

People who have little exposure to complete darkness (recommended using blackouts if there is artificial light from lamp posts outside your window) have low levels of melatonin. Not only do they have problems sleeping or insomnia, but they can also develop health problems such as Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance (which in turn causes excess weight or diseases such as diabetes), breast cancer, and others. types of cancer.

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and strengthens the immune system. It is one of the few antioxidants capable of reaching the nucleus of the cell, protecting DNA from damage.

Among other important benefits of this hormone:

  • Stimulates the production of the antioxidant GLUTATHIONE.
  • Protects the mitochondria.
  • Reduces tumor proliferation or growth.

4. Excess or lack of sun and vitamin D deficiency

Knowing that the sun and UV rays are our skin's main enemy, we sometimes forget that we also need a moderate amount of sun to produce and maintain optimal levels of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D is a very important hormone. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and multiple sclerosis.

Check your vitamin D levels with a blood test if you feel fatigued or have trouble sleeping.

Likewise, excess sun exposure and continuous unprotected tanning can trigger skin diseases such as carcinoma, melanoma, and premature aging. Try to use sunscreen if you are going to be exposed to the sun for a long time between 10 am and 4 pm.

5. Bad diet

Eating a poor diet with excess processed foods such as refined sugars and lack of fresh and natural foods such as vegetables (micronutrients), fruits, vegetables, as well as good fats such as avocado, olive oil, nuts, etc., leads to our body to an inflammatory process that triggers diseases and aging.

An anti-inflammatory diet can do wonders for our health and our skin, giving us a glowing, fresh and lush appearance. According to Dr Perricone, the ideal foods to avoid inflammation are vegetables (include all colors), wild salmon, sardines, and complex carbohydrates in moderation such as cassava, green banana, sweet potato, among others. He also suggests intermittent fasting (16:8).

Try to visit a nutritionist to guide you so you can eat a nutritious and balanced diet over time. Avoid "crash diets" or diets just to lose weight. Once your body is in balance, the weight will come off on its own. The best diet is the one you can maintain for a lifetime and makes you feel good and energetic.

Also control your alcohol intake, as it is inflammatory, lacks nutritional value and provides a large amount of calories. Try to drink spirits that do not contain added sugars (such as cocktails).


  • Anti-aging Therapeutics Volume XII, Dr. Ronald Klatz, Robert Goldman.
  • The Wrinkle Cure, Dr. Nicholas Perricone.
  • The Perricone Weight-loss Diet: A Simple 3-Part Plan to Lose the Fat, the Wrinkles, and the Years, Dr. Nicholas Perricone.

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