Health & Wellness — cosmetica natural
BAKUCHIOL: the new 100% natural anti-aging miracle suitable for pregnant women
Antiedad antiinflamatorio bakuchiol cosmetica natural embarazo lactancia natural skincare retinol

What is Bakuchiol? It is a natural organic compound extracted from a plant, Psoralea corylifolia, better known as babchi, which is gaining popularity in cosmetics for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging benefits. It is usually used as the natural, vegan alternative to retinol since it has been discovered that it has the same effects on the skin, with the advantage of being less irritating and suitable for pregnant and lactating women. It was first extracted and isolated in 1966 by Mehta et al. from the Babchi seed and was called Bakuchiol based on its Sanskrit name, Bakuchi. Traditional Uses The...
How to prepare your own natural BATH BOMBS without toxic chemicals
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Why should you avoid products that contain "fragrance" or "perfume"?
bienestar cosmetica natural ftalatos ingredientes toxicos salud

What happens with this term "fragrance" or "perfume" is that it has been used to hide and conceal a very toxic chemical that causes hormonal damage: phthalates.
Phthalates are toxic chemicals that are generally added to plastic to give it flexibility and are found not only in packaging, but in cosmetics, cleaning supplies and even food.
Make your own natural flavoring: Potpourri
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