Health & Wellness — nutricion

The "DETOX". A fashion or reality?

bienestar desintoxicación detox fx nutrition medicina funcional nutrición nutricion funcional salud

The "DETOX". A fashion or reality?

The "detox" myth or reality? Is it a fashion without support or scientific basis?

Here I explain the basics of detox, and the real need to detoxify our body, and how to do it naturally.

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acne acne rosacea Coach funcional funcional fx Nutrition coach nutricion nutricion funcional rosacea wellness


In this article I briefly review what rosacea is about and from a functional perspective, how we can treat its symptoms or at least relieve them without having to resort to strong protocols.

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How I cured eczema and acne from within

acne antiinflamatorio bienestar eczema medicina funcional nutricion piel saludable psoriasis rosacea salud suplementos

How I cured eczema and acne from within

Very well they say: We are what we eat. But I would add: and what we absorb. Nowadays, due to various factors such as pollution, processed foods, genetically manipulated foods, stress, among others, we are not absorbing nutrients correctly.

This leads to countless health problems due to inflammation and deficiency of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytonutrients. All essential for the proper functioning of our body.

I am going to tell you about my experience how I achieved a 180 degree change in my skin and hair. It is not a ONE FITS ALL recipe. (which fits everyone) , because each organism is different and each person has different needs and requirements.

My goal is that this article serves as a guide to inform yourself, a light on the path for people who still do not decipher what is happening to them, and so that they can go with greater certainty to a medical professional who can attend to their health needs.

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